Amazing Blowjob From Sexy Filipina Dogwalker

(This model was 25 years old at the time of filming)


Take it from an expert, best way to get an Amazing Blowjob is to walk your dog. Of course, if you don’t own a dog, this could be tricky. However, when the head is as good as what Mia Belardo delivers, get a poodle at any cost. In this situation, our horny monger set out with his pooch and set his sights on girls. Fortunately, Mia was right there with her furry pet. Needless to say, the fur his was looking for was between her legs. Nonetheless, he met an amazing blowjob expert and soaked her in his thick hot sticky sperm.

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As mentioned, the plan was to walk the dog to meet chicks. Low and behold, the first dogwalker to pass his way was a sexy Filipina. Turns out, their respective dogs got along nicely. Immediately, he suggested that the owners should get along nicely as well. In fact, that was exactly what Mia was thinking. After he took her to his backyard, that’s when she was let off the leash. First, she started to massage his cock through the pants. Clearly, his raging boner was evident through his shorts. The result, Mia was ready to show her amazing blowjob skills.


One thing is for sure, Miss Mia has a gorgeous body. For example, once she started to strip, her sexy was revealed. From her plump boobs to her shapely ass, this amazing blowjob expert is a total knock-out. Furthermore, she got completely naked just to suck his dick. In other words, there was nothing left to do other than to splatter his batter all over her. In turn, Mia lapped it up and swallowed like a good girl should. Simply put, don’t miss this steamy oral extravaganza. Also, be sure to follow Trike Patrol on X (formerly Twitter) for all the best in horny Filipina sex and more amazing blowjob action.

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This website and its contents are for entertainment purposes only.
All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.